Replica Cartier “Cheetah Hummingbird” Power Reverse Indication Present The Elegance

Referring to the Cartier, many people will naturally think of the beautiful leopard. Cartier began to use the leopard as its design inspiration since 1914 and after the acceptation of the customers, the designers released the Jeanne Toussaint to flourish the design of leopard. Today’s model I will introduce is just adopting the leopard element – diamonds paved case copy Cartier.

The timepiece presents the high level of craftsmanship of watchmaking.
Black Leather Strap Copy Cartier Watch

The exquisite knockoff watch has been equipped with the distinctive power reserve indication. On the black dial, there is a leopard lying and resting, and around it there are the hummingbird flying. The image looks very harmonious.

The timepiece embodies the unique aesthetics.
Black Dial Replica Cartier

The amazing scene is that when you press the crown, there will be a little leopard made by 18K rose gold drilling out from his mother’s arms and then the hummingbirds will fly upside to be the indication of power reserve. The overall design makes this timepiece an art work instead of a wristwatch.